Fall 2021
Aug. 27
Adwait Jog, William & Mary
Talk: "Low-overhead Reliable and Secure GPU Computing: Are we there yet?"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/88339093604?pwd=TGY1STVNRGNlUURaam5zZzVGbUZQZz09
Sept. 3
Xueqing Deng, UC Merced
Talk: "Generalizing Deep Models for Overhead Image Segmentation Through Getis-Ord Gi* Pooling"
Host: Shawn Newsam
Sept. 10
Jinbo Xu, Toyota Technical Institute
Talk: "Protein Structure Prediction by Deep Learning"
Host: Xiaoyi Lu
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/85136833805?pwd=VkR3bkNVekkvL1ZkYVBaejRLSFhZZz09
Sept. 17
Nima Karimian, San Jose State University
Talk: "ECG Biometric Systems: Evolution, Challenges and Future Directions"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/84503959652?pwd=ZElRRG9IL3p4L25abXg0U3ZoZzM1Zz09
Sept. 24
Asoke Datta, UC Merced
Talk: "Join Ordering Without Statistics"
Host: Florin Rusu
Oct. 1
Yerlan Idelbayev, UC Merced
Talk: "LC: Flexible, Extensible Open-Source Toolkit for Model Compression"
Host: Miguel Carreira-Perpiñán
Oct. 8
Tongping Liu, University of Massachusetts Amherst
Talk: "MemPerfIdentify Performance Slowdown Caused by Memory Allocators"
Host: Pengfei Su
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87017068474?pwd=UDVzdDYzaVBjcUxqTnJtM2Vnald6dz09
Oct. 15
Hoda Naghibijouybari, Binghamton University
Talk: "Secure Heterogeneous Systems"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/84713855577?pwd=U0FWMFJLL2s4aldlZ1Vtc3B4ZDUyZz09
Oct. 22
Dhabaleswar K. (DK) Panda, The Ohio State University
Talk: "Designing Scalable HPC, Deep Learning, Big Data, and Cloud Middleware for Exascale Systems"
Host: Xiaoyi Lu
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/81776487289?pwd=VFFGRmtucTZWK1owa29Ic3I4WHFCUT09
Oct. 29
Jie Ren, UC Merced
Talk: "Enabling Big Memory Applications with Memory Heterogeneity"
Host: Dong Li
Nov. 5
Gulnar Rakhmetulla, UC Merced
Talk: "Inclusive Text Entry Techniques for Mobile Devices"
Host: Ahmed Arif
Nov. 12
Suryabhan Hada, UC Merced
Talk: "Interpretability of Deep Neural Networks"
Host: Miguel Carreira-Perpiñán
Nov. 19
Laxmi Pandey, UC Merced
Talk: "Lip Reading as an Active Mode of Interaction with Computer Systems"
Host: Ahmed Arif
Dec. 3
Jiawen Liu, UC Merced
Talk: "Heterogeneous Computing and Memory Systems for Tensor-Based Applications"
Host: Dong Li
Dec. 10
Arman Zharmagambetov, UC Merced
Talk: "TAO: Efficient and Universal Algorithm to Train Decision Trees and Tree-Based Models"
Host: Miguel Carreira-Perpiñán
Spring 2022
Jan. 21
Kofi Boakye/Pinterest
Talk: "Computer Vision @ Pinterest"
Host: Shawn Newsam
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
Jan. 28
Xue Lin/Northeastern University
Talk: "Towards Robust and Efficient Deep Learning Systems"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
Feb. 4
Gokul Subramanian Ravi/University of Chicago
Talk: "Architecting Classical Support for Near-term Quantum Systems"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
Feb. 11
Xinyu Zhang/UC San Diego
Talk: "Printable Smart Surfaces for IoT Communication and Sensing"
Host: Wan Du
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
Feb. 18
Xiaochen Guo/Lehigh University
Talk: "Supporting Special Purposes in General-Purpose Memory Hierarchies"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
Feb. 25
Haoyu Niu/UC Merced
Host: YangQuan Chen
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
March 4
Can Karakus/Amazon
Talk: "SageMaker Distributed: Flexible and Efficient Tools for Large-Scale Distributed Training"
Host: Dong Li
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
March 11
Murali Annavaram/USC
Talk: "Training ML Models With Private Data On Untrusted Hardware"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
March 18
Bin Ren/ William & Mary
Talk: "Real-Time DNN Execution on Mobile Devices with Compiler Optimizations"
Host: Pengfei Su
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
April 1
Linhai Song/Pennsylvania State University
Talk: "Detecting Concurrency Bugs in Go Software Systems"
Host: Pengfei Su
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
April 8
Feng Yan/University of Nevada, Reno
Talk: "Towards Scalable and Efficient Machine Learning as a Service (MLaaS)"
Host: Pengfei Su
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
April 15
Ritesh Sharma
Talk: "Navigation Structures for Flows, Formations and Decision Boundaries"
Host: Marcelo Kallmann
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09
April 22
Dongyoon Lee/Stony Brook University
Talk: "On the Impact and Defeat of Regular Expression Denial of Service"
Host: Hyeran Jeon
April 29
Gabe Loh/AMD Research
Talk: "The Motivation for Chiplets and their Adoption in AMD Processors"
May 6
Shrishail Baligar/UC Merced
Talk: "Audio Analysis using Deep Learning"
Host: Shawn Newsam
Online: https://ucmerced.zoom.us/j/87018328756?pwd=SnpEUDRTZlZqT1pOa0gyWEFVOVV0QT09