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SAF Data

National Science Foundation

0821766 Carpin Acquisition of Robotic Hardware for Humanoid Research in Cognitive Science and Engineering 492,500
0754089 Carreira-Perpinan CAREER: machine learning approches for articulatory inversion 385,267
0711186 Carreira-Perpinan RI: Collaborative Research: Foreign accent conversion through articulatory inversion of the vocal-tract frontal cavity 220,000
0923586 Cerpa Development of ASSIST: Affordable System for Solar Irradiance and Tracking 568,202
1254192 Cerpa CAREER: A Data-Driven Uncertainty-Guided Architecture for Energy Management in Sensor Systems 539,531
1430351 Cerpa PFI:BIC Humans-in-the-Loop: A Critical Link to Enable Smart Control of Building Infrastructure in a Complex Service System 800,000
1409130 Im AF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Multi-dimensional Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Data Centers 390,207
1617653 Im AF: Small: Collaborative Research: Algorithmic and Computational Frontiers of MapReduce for Big Data Analysis 247,230
1844939 Im CAREER: New Algorithmic Foundations for Online Scheduling 500,000
0723281 Kallmann HCC: Parameterization and Collection of Demonstrative Gestures for Interactive Virtual Humans 499,071
1305196 Kallmann Acquisition of Sensors and Displays for Research on Motion Synthesis and Rehabilitation 302,869
0723281 Kallmann Acquisition of Equipment to Establish a Cognitive Sensorium and Visualization Facility at UC Merced 263,493
0917069 Newsam III: Integrating Image and Non-Image Geospatial Data 396,684
0960480 Newsam New Tools for Characterizing Protein Dynamics 647,841
1150115 Newsam CAREER: Social Multimedia as Volunteered Geographic Information: Crowdsourcing What-Is-Where on the Surface of the Earth Through Proximate Sensing 497,208
1644662 Newsam ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference 2016: Student Activities and U.S.-Based Students Support 29,715
1152576 Yang EAGER: Visual Saliency with Discriminancy, Sparsity and Connectivity 135,742
1149783 Yang CAREER: Visual Tracking with Online and Prior Learning 437,797

Other federal funding agencies

Funding Agency PI Title Amount
Synapse Phase 2
Hierarchical Search with Heterogeneous UAVs
Grasping and Simulation for Next-Generation Manufacturing Robots
Rapid deployment strategies
Occupancy-Based Energy Management in Buildings
Early Career Scientist and Engineer Award
DOE Rusu Early Career Research Award: Scalable and Energy-Efficient Methods for Interactive Exploration of Scientific Data 750,000

State Funding

Funding Agency PI Title Amount
CITRIS Carpin Robotic and virtual assistive agents for establishing the Center on Autonomous and Interactive Systems at UC Merced 150,000
CITRIS Carpin Mobile Sensor Networks for Independent Living and Safety at Home 75,000
CITRIS Carpin Virtual reality technologies for robotic aided first response 45,000


Carpin Towards Semantic Spatial Awareness: Robust Text Spotting for Assistive Technology Applications 25,000
CITRIS Carreira-Perpinan An automatic wearable speech supplement in face-to-face and classroom situations 75,000
CITRIS Cerpa Campus Building Web Services: A Case Study on Campus Level Deployment of sMAP 60,000
CITRIS Cerpa ThermoVote: Participatory Sensing for Efficient and High Quality Building Conditioning 25,000
CITRIS Cerpa Aggressively Duty-Cycling Buildings: The Next Frontier in Energy Efficiency 75,000
CITRIS Cerpa The Sensing Entity Tracking Initiative (SETI): A CITRIS Center for Smart Energy Infrastructure 75,000
CEC Cerpa Living Laboratory Pilot Project 20,000
CITRIS Kallmann Collaborative Virtual Environments for Virtual Heritage 75,000
CITRIS Kallmann Motion Interfaces for Physical Therapy 74,971
HSRI Kallmann Human-Computer Interfaces for Shoulder Tele-Rehabilitation 10,000
IUCRP Kallmann Cognitive Animation Workshop 14,200
CITRIS Newsam Terrestrial Remote Sensing for Monitoring Atmospheric Particulates 99,290
CITRIS Newsam Optimal Design of Smart Urban Crowd-Sensing 10,322
Development Impact Lab Newsam

Community-Based Air Pollution Informatics


CITRIS Yang Understanding Image-Based Big Data Using Human Computation 25,000

Corporate Funding

Sponsor PI Amount
Microsoft Research Carpin 39,455
General Motors Research Carpin 23,000
Google Carreira-Perpinan 60,237
LogicBlox Rusu 16,080
Hellman Fellows Rusu 20,000
Google Yang 50,000
Adobe Yang 39,000
Omron Yang 119,999
Omron Yang 112,345
Nvidia Yang 10,000
Baidu Yang 60,000

Funding by Faculty

Faculty Total Grants
Cerpa $   2,262,733.00
Newsam $   1,970,087.00
Carpin $   1,882,153.00
Kallmann $   1,239,604.00
Yang $      989,883.00
Rusu $      786,080.00
Carreira-Perpinan $      740,504.00
Im $      637,437.00
Singhal $                 0.00
Total $ 10,261,251.00