National Science Foundation
Award Number | PI | TITLE | AMOUNT |
0821766 | Carpin | Acquisition of Robotic Hardware for Humanoid Research in Cognitive Science and Engineering | 492,500 |
0754089 | Carreira-Perpinan | CAREER: machine learning approches for articulatory inversion | 385,267 |
0711186 | Carreira-Perpinan | RI: Collaborative Research: Foreign accent conversion through articulatory inversion of the vocal-tract frontal cavity | 220,000 |
0923586 | Cerpa | Development of ASSIST: Affordable System for Solar Irradiance and Tracking | 568,202 |
1254192 | Cerpa | CAREER: A Data-Driven Uncertainty-Guided Architecture for Energy Management in Sensor Systems | 539,531 |
1430351 | Cerpa | PFI:BIC Humans-in-the-Loop: A Critical Link to Enable Smart Control of Building Infrastructure in a Complex Service System | 800,000 |
1409130 | Im | AF: Medium: Collaborative Research: Multi-dimensional Scheduling and Resource Allocation in Data Centers | 390,207 |
1617653 | Im | AF: Small: Collaborative Research: Algorithmic and Computational Frontiers of MapReduce for Big Data Analysis | 247,230 |
1844939 | Im | CAREER: New Algorithmic Foundations for Online Scheduling | 500,000 |
0723281 | Kallmann | HCC: Parameterization and Collection of Demonstrative Gestures for Interactive Virtual Humans | 499,071 |
1305196 | Kallmann | Acquisition of Sensors and Displays for Research on Motion Synthesis and Rehabilitation | 302,869 |
0723281 | Kallmann | Acquisition of Equipment to Establish a Cognitive Sensorium and Visualization Facility at UC Merced | 263,493 |
0917069 | Newsam | III: Integrating Image and Non-Image Geospatial Data | 396,684 |
0960480 | Newsam | New Tools for Characterizing Protein Dynamics | 647,841 |
1150115 | Newsam | CAREER: Social Multimedia as Volunteered Geographic Information: Crowdsourcing What-Is-Where on the Surface of the Earth Through Proximate Sensing | 497,208 |
1644662 | Newsam | ACM SIGSPATIAL Conference 2016: Student Activities and U.S.-Based Students Support | 29,715 |
1152576 | Yang | EAGER: Visual Saliency with Discriminancy, Sparsity and Connectivity | 135,742 |
1149783 | Yang | CAREER: Visual Tracking with Online and Prior Learning | 437,797 |
Other federal funding agencies
Funding Agency | PI | Title | Amount |
Synapse Phase 2
Hierarchical Search with Heterogeneous UAVs
Grasping and Simulation for Next-Generation Manufacturing Robots
584,198 |
Rapid deployment strategies
Occupancy-Based Energy Management in Buildings
Early Career Scientist and Engineer Award
DOE | Rusu | Early Career Research Award: Scalable and Energy-Efficient Methods for Interactive Exploration of Scientific Data | 750,000 |
State Funding
Funding Agency | PI | Title | Amount |
CITRIS | Carpin | Robotic and virtual assistive agents for establishing the Center on Autonomous and Interactive Systems at UC Merced | 150,000 |
CITRIS | Carpin | Mobile Sensor Networks for Independent Living and Safety at Home | 75,000 |
CITRIS | Carpin | Virtual reality technologies for robotic aided first response | 45,000 |
Carpin | Towards Semantic Spatial Awareness: Robust Text Spotting for Assistive Technology Applications | 25,000 |
CITRIS | Carreira-Perpinan | An automatic wearable speech supplement in face-to-face and classroom situations | 75,000 |
CITRIS | Cerpa | Campus Building Web Services: A Case Study on Campus Level Deployment of sMAP | 60,000 |
CITRIS | Cerpa | ThermoVote: Participatory Sensing for Efficient and High Quality Building Conditioning | 25,000 |
CITRIS | Cerpa | Aggressively Duty-Cycling Buildings: The Next Frontier in Energy Efficiency | 75,000 |
CITRIS | Cerpa | The Sensing Entity Tracking Initiative (SETI): A CITRIS Center for Smart Energy Infrastructure | 75,000 |
CEC | Cerpa | Living Laboratory Pilot Project | 20,000 |
CITRIS | Kallmann | Collaborative Virtual Environments for Virtual Heritage | 75,000 |
CITRIS | Kallmann | Motion Interfaces for Physical Therapy | 74,971 |
HSRI | Kallmann | Human-Computer Interfaces for Shoulder Tele-Rehabilitation | 10,000 |
IUCRP | Kallmann | Cognitive Animation Workshop | 14,200 |
CITRIS | Newsam | Terrestrial Remote Sensing for Monitoring Atmospheric Particulates | 99,290 |
CITRIS | Newsam | Optimal Design of Smart Urban Crowd-Sensing | 10,322 |
Development Impact Lab | Newsam |
Community-Based Air Pollution Informatics |
39,027 |
CITRIS | Yang | Understanding Image-Based Big Data Using Human Computation | 25,000 |
Corporate Funding
Sponsor | PI | Amount |
Microsoft Research | Carpin | 39,455 |
General Motors Research | Carpin | 23,000 |
Carreira-Perpinan | 60,237 | |
LogicBlox | Rusu | 16,080 |
Hellman Fellows | Rusu | 20,000 |
Yang | 50,000 | |
Adobe | Yang | 39,000 |
Omron | Yang | 119,999 |
Omron | Yang | 112,345 |
Nvidia | Yang | 10,000 |
Baidu | Yang | 60,000 |
Funding by Faculty
Faculty | Total Grants |
Cerpa | $ 2,262,733.00 |
Newsam | $ 1,970,087.00 |
Carpin | $ 1,882,153.00 |
Kallmann | $ 1,239,604.00 |
Yang | $ 989,883.00 |
Rusu | $ 786,080.00 |
Carreira-Perpinan | $ 740,504.00 |
Im | $ 637,437.00 |
Singhal | $ 0.00 |
Total | $ 10,261,251.00 |